Data from: 2024-10-23 20:03 UTC

SomeoneElse: Rural pedestrian AJT03 detailed mkgmap maps with QA

This is a detailed map style for Garmin devices. It shows lots of information about the OSM tags used, and in some cases what tags may be missing.

Project name: SomeoneElse: Rural pedestrian AJT03 detailed mkgmap maps with QA
Project URL:
Description:This is a detailed map style for Garmin devices. It shows lots of information about the OSM tags used, and in some cases what tags may be missing.
Last update:20240502T095000Z
JSON project file:

This data is provided by the project for taginfo through the 'JSON project file' linked from above. See the wiki for a format description.

Tags used by this project

This data is provided by the project and not necessarily complete. Please see the project documentation for details.

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